Choice Transfer Request - Home School

In the 2013 legislative session, OSPI was directed to create a standard form to be used by all districts for Choice Transfers for online school enrollments. (RCW 28A.250.070) The Standard Choice Transfer System (SCTS) was developed to meet this need. It is an application within EDS that provides a resident district the ability to submit a parent request for a Choice Transfer to a nonresident district, signifying the intent to release the student upon acceptance. The nonresident district will accept or deny the request within the system. Email notices are sent automatically from the system at milestones throughout the process to the parent and the districts. The system features include the ability to rescind, renew and resubmit appealed requests.

Per the statute, all districts must use the SCTS for Choice Transfers for online school enrollment; however, the system is also able to process requests for non-online enrollments and Interdistrict Agreements.

As of May 15, 2014, all school districts are expected to use SCTS for Choice Transfer requests for online school enrollments.

Choice Form - ChoiceTransferRequest.pdf
or online at:

Home School Form Home Schooling form .pdf


If your student resides in Oroville School District and wishes to attend another school/district then, you will need to fill out the form - entering the district/school you wish to enroll your student in. Then submit the completed and signed form to the District Office at 816 Juniper Street, Oroville WA 98844.